Using OzRunways and RWY with Flight Simulators (X-Plane, Flight Simulator/Prepar3d, or Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
FS2FF (Flight Simulator to ForeFlight)
FS2FF is a tool that can be used to send data from Microsoft Flight Simulator to OzRunways. FS2FF is hosted at the FS2FF Github Page. Use the following instructions to get started.
1: Open the latest FS2FF release
2: Download FS2FF.exe to a suitable location (My documents, Desktop etc.)
3: Open FS2FF.exe
4: If Windows defender prompts "Windows protected your PC." Click "More Info" then click "Run Anyway".
5: Ensure that your OzRunways Device is connected to the same Network as your computer.
6: Open Microsoft Flight Simulator.
7: Once you get to the Microsoft Flight Simulator home screen, alt-tab to get to FS2FF and click "Connect".
8: Open OzRunways on your device and go to Settings > Simulator Mode > Toggle On Simulator Mode. Also take note of the My IP Address value.
9: Ensure the following settings in FS2FF: Auto Detect OFF, Manually input the IP Address from OzRunways that you noted earlier. Press Connect.
10: If you are having trouble connecting. Restart the OzRunways app and re-enable Simulator mode.
1: Download Flight Events from the Flight Events website. Click the "Join" button in the top right of the screen and follow the instructions.
2: In the Flight Events settings menu, enable broadcasting to the local network.
3: With Microsoft Flight Simulator open and while flying, on the "Simulator" tab, enter any callsign and press "Start Flight Tracking". You should see a message in-game that says "Flight Events connected."
4: Open OzRunways on your device and go to Settings > Simulator Mode > Toggle On Simulator Mode.
5: If you are having trouble connecting. Restart the OzRunways app and re-enable Simulator mode.
XmapsyV3 supports sending data from Microsoft Flight Simulator to OzRunways. You will need to visit the following sites.
After installing and running Xmapsy, open OzRunways on your device and enable one of the following (but not both) in order to mirror your settings in Xmapsy:
1. If running Xmapsy in Sim Connect mode:
- Settings > Simulator Mode > Toggle On Simulator Mode.
2. If running Xmapsy in GDL90 mode:
- Settings > Device Options > Enable GDL90.
Note: In order to receive traffic information you will also need to enable GDL90 mode in the OzRunways app and toggle on the three traffic options.
You can use OzRwy with X-Plane, Microsoft Flight Simulator (FSX) and Prepar3d by Lockheed Martin. RWY requires 3rd party software, but can be connected to X-Plane. The ability to connect RWY to MS FSX and Prepar3d is not known, and this pursuit is not supported by OzRunways.
X-Plane works on Mac, Linux and Windows and requires the settings that you can find here (see amendment below for X-Plane 11/12 but note Read the Plane 9-10 documentation (attached) first, because the screens might be different in X-Plane 11/12 but the steps required are exactly the same in terms of setup).
Once you have read the PDF attached, take note of the following settings to make the heading work in X-Plane 11/12:
OzRWY to FSX/Prepar3d Instructions
The simplest way to run OzRunways with FSX and P3D is to head to this site:
and pick up the free FSX/P3D to OzRunways connector app, designed by the talented Rob Graham.
To use the app, extract it to a folder of your choice. Make sure your iPad and PC are on the same home wifi network. Next, open FSX or P3D. If using P3D v4, make sure options>general>Broadcast GPS data to Network is set to off. Next, open the connector app and click 'Connect'. In OzRWY go to OzRunways>Settings>Simulator Mode>On and it should be good to go!
Alternate FSX/Prepar3d setup using FSUIPC
This method requires the following:
-Wifi network (static IP's is the best setup, google 'How to set up a static IP', there are lots of articles on this subject to help you out. OzRunways does not support setting up of home wifi networks with static IP's). -iPad running OzRunways, connected to wifi network -PC running FSX or Prepar3d with a Registered version of FSUIPC installed (not supported by OzRunways) connected to the same wifi network (or at least the same router as the iPad is working through) -FSXozplug LUA (not supported, contact the author of this script for help)
Firstly, set up your home network (with static IP's if possible, otherwise you'll need to do the setup every time you want to use OzRunways with the sim in case the ip's have changed). Not having static IP addresses for your network will more than likely cause you issues. It is worth the time and effort to do. The reason OzRunways can't really assist with network setup is every modem is different and it is impossible for us to know how each one works. But, the internet has lots of articles and on balance, you will probably find something to help you do it through a quick internet search.
Secondly, ensure you have a registered version of FSUIPC installed to your sim. See here for all the information:
Thirdly, download and install the FSX plugin (LUA) which you can find attached.
This plugin works and installs the same for Prepar3d.
NOTE: For some reason the LUA when used with Prepar3d 2.5 does not function correctly, however v3.1 does. This seems to be a problem outside of the scope of OzRunways. Please contact LM or P. Dowson (FSUIPC author) to discuss.
Simply place the LUA and vstruct folder in your FSX/P3D modules folder.
Now open the FSXozplug file in notepad or another text editor and change to the appropriate iPad IP address (instructions in the top section of the fsxozplug LUA file on how to do this). For an example of what the section from the authors FSXozplug.lua looks like:
port = port or 49002
Close and save the FSXozplug.lua
Next, you will need to open your FSUIPC.ini (configuration) file (lives in the FSX>Modules folder) and add the required details to enable the LUA to run (again, instructions on exactly what is needed are contained in the top section of the FSXozplug LUA). The two sections should look a bit like this:
[Auto] 1=Lua FSXOzplug
[LuaFiles] 1=FSXOzplug
Close and save your FSUIPC4.ini file.
Now, ensure your computer and iPad are on the same wifi network, enable sim mode on your OzRunways through settings>simulator mode>(select Simulator mode 'on'). Start FSX/Prepar3d.
Note: OzRunways will default to sim mode off if you put the ipad to sleep - it can be handy to have it plugged in when simming to keep the battery topped up.
Once in the sim the OzRunways position should refelect the sim if you have done everything correctly.
Some users may have issues with firewalls etc. Unfortunately OzRunways does not support firewall / networking issues.
RWY to X-Plane
From RWY v4.3 you can use RWY as you fly in your simulator on your computer!
This feature works with X-Plane's EFB connection protocol (UDP port 49002), which can be enabled in X-Plane → Settings → Network → iPhone & iPad → "Broadcast to all copies of ...".
It should also work with Microsoft Flight Simulator using xmapsy in "X-Plane/Simulator mode". When a simulator is connected you'll notice the GPS HUD boxes go purple. You'll even see purple traffic bubbles for other traffic in the sim!
Happy simming!